Asankhaya Sharma
Invited Talks
- Getting off the Scan-and-Fix Hamster Wheel with Generative AI, SINCON, Singapore, (2024) [pdf | code | video]
- Agentic AI Workflows for DevOps , AI Camp, Singapore, (2024) [pdf | code]
- AutoFix: Automated Vulnerability Remediation Using Static Analysis and LLMs , BlackHat Asia Arsenal, (2024) [pdf | code]
- Taming open code LLMs for SQL generation and bug fixing , NUS Hackers Friday Hacks, (2023) [pdf | code | video]
- Next-Generation Software Development, ShiftAsia Webinar, (2023) [video]
- Using LLMs and Generative AI to Fix Software Vulnerabilities, OWASP Global AppSec, Singapore, (2023) [pdf | video]
- Panel Discussion: Embracing Generative AI: Opportunities and Challenges, CDO Vision, Singapore, (2023) [article | video]
- Improving worker safety with computer vision and AI, Ergonomics and Hygiene Conference, Singapore, (2023) [pdf]
- Panel Discussion: The Evolution of AI and AI Regulations: Balancing Innovation and Protection, GLG, Singapore, (2023)
- Fireside Chat: Bridging Disciplines, Unlocking Possibilities, TEDxSingaporeLive, Singapore, (2023)
- Open Source LLMs For The Win, FOSSASIA, Singapore, (2023) [pdf | video]
- Fireside Chat: AI for Good, or AI for Bad? ,, Singapore, (2023) [video]
- Panel Discussion: There is No TGIF for Open-source Security , Scantist and OpenSSF, Singapore, (2022)
- Machine Learning for Software Security, TCS Catalyze, Gurgaon, (2021) [pdf]
- Effective Vulnerability Discovery with Machine Learning , BlackHat Europe, (2020) [pdf | video]
- Test Lean and Ship Healthy, TAQELAH webinar, Singapore, (2020) [pdf | video]
- Performance Management for Software Engineers, Veracode off-site, Singapore, (2020) [pdf]
- Insights on Leadership, Veracode off-site, Singapore, (2019) [pdf]
- The Day that Machine Learning Learnt To Identify Open Source Flaws, Veracode BrightTALK Webinar, (2019) [video]
- 9 types of people you find on your team, Veracode off-site, Singapore (2018) [pdf]
- Design and Implementation of Security Graph Language (SGL), SMU, Singapore (2018) [pdf]
- Using Machine Learning to Identify Security Issues in Open-Source Libraries, n|u, Singapore and HITB GSEC, Singapore (2018) [pdf|video]
- Securing Open Source Code in Enterprise, FOSSASIA Summit, Singapore and SAP Security Expert Summit, Bangalore (2018) [pdf|video]
- Connecting the dots: Machine Learning for Vulnerability Discovery, [Redacted], USA (2017) [pptx]
- Ransomware in Web Apps, OWASP, Singapore (2016) [pptx]
- Secure Software Development, SIT, Singapore (2016) [pptx]
- Developer-focused Software Security, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore (2016) [pptx]
- Visualizing Symbolic Execution with Bokeh, PyData 1, Singapore (2015) [pptx]
- HIP/SLEEK : An Automated Verification and Specification Inference System, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore (2014) [ppt]
- Crafting a Successful Engineering Career, IEEE GOLD, India (2010) [ppt]
- Digital Threats: Research and Practice (DTRAP), ACM Journal
- Research Grants, awarded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Singapore
- Mathematical Reviews, published by the American Mathematical Society
Program Committee Member
ICOCOE 2015, ICOCOE 2014, ISCI 2013 (Software Engineering Track), ISCAIE 2012 (Software Engineering Track)
Review Committee Member
APLAS 2014, FM 2014, PEPM 2014, ATVA 2013, SAS 2013, SAC 2012 (OOPS Track), VMCAI 2012, APLAS 2011, FTfJP 2011